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Spirit-led Journeys, Extractions, and Soul Retrievals

In Shamanism it is believed that we live and breathe in Ordinary Reality and there is a Non-Ordinary Reality consisting of the Lower World, Middle World, and Upper World that can be traveled to through a trance-like state called Shamanic Journeying. In Non-Ordinary Reality, we can communicate with anything as it is also believed that everything has a soul or spirit. It is there where we can also connect with various types of helping spirits from spirit animals, crystal spirits, plant spirits, and tree spirits to archangels and ascended masters such as Jesus, Moses, and Mary Magdalene. These spirits can answer our questions and provide insight and guidance on healing and aligning with our path.


Upon returning from Non-Ordinary Reality there may be a ceremony or rituals that need to be performed for the healing. There is always free will, however, so if the message received doesn’t resonate don’t act upon any instructions right away. It isn’t uncommon for messages received through journeying to not make sense for a week or months or even years as things are usually presented in the form of a metaphor.


One can learn to journey for themselves, but a Shamanic Practitioner can also journey on anyone’s behalf with permission. I find it a great privilege to journey on behalf of someone else and am honored to serve others in this manner.


I am available to perform the following shamanic services:

  • Extractions

  • Power/Spirit Animal Retrieval

  • Soul Retrieval

  • Sound Healing with Drums and Rattle

  • Learn to Journey

  • Spiritual Coaching


If this sounds like something that could benefit your path to Optimal Wellness, please schedule a free 15-minute consultation.


These services are not intended to replace medical treatment but instead to complement traditional Western medical practices to create a more holistic wellness journey.

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