Reiki is a form of energy healing that is non-invasive and frequently hands-off. Universal Lifeforce Energy is channeled through me to work in partnership with your own energy to remove blockages that may be causing discomfort in your physical, mental, or spiritual bodies.
What to Expect
A sense of being held and supported by a compassionate energy outside of yourself.
Everyone’s experience is different depending upon how sensitive you are to subtle energy. If you are sensitive to subtle energy your experience will generally lean towards the “claires” that are strongest for you. If you connect with sound, known as clairaudient, you may hear noises or words. If you are clairsentient or just know things you may just know the healing as it happens. Clairvoyants may see colors or images. You may also experience smells or even tastes in your mouth. Some feel a sense of tingling moving through the body. And, each healing is unique so one session might really activate one claire and the next a different one.
Know that even if you do not “feel” it, the healing is happening exactly as it is meant to for the highest good of all. In this case, it may feel a lot like a meditation session or restorative yoga session. In fact, you can definitely find your way into your favorite restorative asana to receive treatment at home or in person.
Nearly every client I have worked with has described a sense of being held and supported by a compassionate energy outside of themselves. This can be especially impactful for those who fear abandonment or have a strong desire to do everything themselves.
Afterward, you may feel very relaxed, sleepy, talkative, or introverted. Every person reacts differently, and often it can vary from one treatment to the next depending on how energy was moved. It is best to treat your physical body with extra care before and after your treatment. A Reiki session is much like a detox diet, but for your energetic system. Therefore, it is recommended that you drink plenty of water, avoid processed foods, if possible stick to living food only (fruits and veggies), and abstain from alcohol or caffeine.
In-Person Reiki
For an in-person Reiki session you will be comfortably seated or lying on a yoga mat on the floor. I will perform an aura cleanse, connect with the Universal Lifeforce Energy, set an intention, and release expectations. It is important that we trust the Energy will move with your own body's subtle energy to bring about the highest and best good for yourself and the world.
I then begin to hold my hands over your body in various positions for varying amounts of time, being guided by my intuition. I frequently work with the chakras or meridians - two energetic systems of the body. At the end, I like to use a rattle to seal your aura once again so stray energies are not immediately picked back up.
If you have questions or wonder if Reiki could help you on your wellness journey be sure to take advantage of a free 15-minute consultation. All of my services can be mixed and matched within a given session, package, or subscription plan so we can build the treatment plan that is most effective for you!
Distance Reiki
Reiki is not confined by time and space so sessions are available for distance healing as well. The process is nearly identical to in-person. If we connect live, I will provide some cues for your relaxation and can guide the placement of crystals on and around you if you have some and feel called to utilize them. I can also suggest essential oils or incense to use in your space. We can then speak briefly following the treatment.
Due to differing time zones or just very busy schedules it can occasionally be difficult to find time that works for us both. But energy is not confined to our mundane definitions of time and space so I may do the healing work in my home studio. I utilize a stand-in prop that has been dedicated to the purpose of energy healing and a recent photo with the intention that the healing is meant for you. Then you can lay or sit down any time before or after I do the work in my studio with the intent to receive the healing. I’ll send a follow-up e-mail once I have completed my part. It is recommended that you do not read that until you have taken your time to receive the treatment.